Prohibited and Restricted Items

Prohibited and Restricted

From time to time we get customers who try to use Private Box to ship items overseas, only to find that the items are Prohibited or Restricted. This either stops them from getting their item, or makes forwarding the item more expensive than they expected.
Here are some common examples:

Item Prohibited/Restricted
Mobile Phones Restricted Item. International Shipping must be via International Expresss Courier (DHL).
Electronics with Lithium Ion batteries Restricted Item. International Shipping must be via International Expresss Courier (DHL).
Honey Prohibited item. Requires special export license.
Cheese & Dairy Products Prohibited item. Requires special export license.
Perfume Prohibited item. Flammable.
Plants Prohibited item.
Prohibited items cannot be sent via Private Box as they may risk damaging or contaminating other postal items. This also includes items that may inhibit the safety of our staff or the general public.
Due to many prohibited items being dangerous, any item suspected of containing prohibited items may be opened by New Zealand Customs or any other authorized parties. Private Box customers who attempt to send prohibited items will be in breach of our terms & conditions.
Private Box does not take liability for any prohibited items. Any damage caused by a prohibited item or disposal fees will be at customer’s expense.

Prohibited Items vs Restricted Items

Prohibited items

  • Cannot be sent via the postal service under any circumstances.
  • If sent these items will be seized by customs and may be destroyed.

Restricted items

  • Can be sent via the postal service, but must comply to very strict guidelines.

Prohibited and Restricted items lists

A comprehensive list of Prohibited and Restricted items can be found directly on the NZ Post Website.
Other Sources of information:

List of Prohibited Items

Below are items that Private Box cannot send.

Acid Gas Cylinders (e.g. camping gas)
Adhesive Products (containing flammable liquid) Generators (fuel powered)
Aerosol Cans (e.g. hairspray) Glue (e.g. flammable, quick drying)
Air Bag (car) Grenades
Alarm Devices (gas or battery powered) Hair Colouring / Bleaches
Alcohol (more than 5 litres) Hairspray (aerosol)
Alcohol (more than 70% by volume) Human Remains (including ashes)
Alkaline Igniters
Aluminium Powder Indecent Goods
Ammonial Products Insecticides
Ammunition Kerosene
Ammonial Powder Laundry Detergents
Animals (except for bees, leeches, silkworms and harmless insects) Lighter Fluid
Anti Freeze Liquid Nitrogen
Appliances (containing batteries) Lithium Batteries
Asbestos Magnetic Material
Barometers Magnets
Batteries (contained in any appliance) Matches
Batteries (e.g. car or wet) Mercury
Batteries (made from lithium cell) Mobile Phones (unless specific conditions are met)
Battery Fluid Motor Fuels
Blasting Caps Nail Polish
Bleach Nail Polish Remover
Brake Fluid Narcotics
Bullets Oven Cleaners (which include caustic soda)
Bullion Oxygen Cylinders
Butane Paint (oil based)
Camphor Party Poppers
Caps For Starting Guns Perfume
Caps For Toy Guns Perfumery Products
Carbon Paper Peroxides
Cash or Currency Petrol
Caustic Soda Phosphorus
Charcoal Plastic Solvent
Chemicals Poisons (e.g. cyanide, lead, arsenic)
Chlorates Polish
Chlorine Polyester Resin Kits
Christmas Crackers Propane
Cigarette Lighters Shock Absorbers (gas or compressed air)
Cleaning Materials (liquid or powder) Signals, Distress
Deodorant (aerosols) Signals, Smoke
Disinfectants Sodium
Drugs (unless in prescription quantities) Solvents
Dry Ice Sparklers
Dyes Sulphuric Acid
Electronic Items (containing batteries) Swimming Pool Chemicals
Essential Oils (e.g. eucalyptus, tea tree) Tea Tree Oil
Fertilisers Textile Dyes
Fibreglass Repair Kits Theatrical Flares
Fire Extinguishes Thermometers (mercury)
Fire Lighters Toner (photocopier)
Firearms Toy Caps
Fireworks (e.g. skyrockets, sparklers, crackers) Toys (containing batteries)
Flares Turpentine
Flint Lighters Varnish (e.g. remover, thinner)
Furs and Skins (Animal) Weed Killers
Gas (e.g. propane, butane, hydrogen, helium) Zinc Powder

Items with an IATA Dangerous Goods classification

Explosive materials (eg ammunition, fireworks, igniters, flares, toy caps). Toxic and infectious substances.
Gases (compressed fuel or air cylinders). Radioactive materials.
Flammable Substances (anything with a fire warning, eg petrol, turpentine, spirits etc.). Corrosives (eg mercury, bleach, nail polish, nitric acids, battery fluids).
Oxidising substances (eg hair dye, disinfectants, fiberglass repair kits). Other hazardous goods (eg magnetic, polymerizable, asbestos, dry ice, fist aid kits, batteries).

If you have any questions or are still unsure if it is possible to send your item, please contact us today!

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