Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We have built our business on the core principles of trust and privacy.
When you become a customer, we collect personal information from you, including information about your:

We collect your personal information in order to:

Besides our staff, we may share this information with:

We keep your information safe by providing bank-level digital security, conducting regular security audits, and only allowing certain (and vetted) staff access.

We keep your information for seven years after your account closure and securely destroy it.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information or to have it corrected, don’t hesitate to contact us at, +64 4 831 1333, or Privacy Officer, PO Box 83090, Wellington 6440, New Zealand.

If you believe you are a fraud or identity theft victim, please get in touch with us immediately at +64 4 831 1333.

Automatically collected information

For analytical purposes, we use a third-party to collect information about your visit to the Private Box website. To do this we use web cookies.

The type of information we collect automatically

We use this information to measure the number of visitors to our site and to identify problem areas. It helps us learn about our visitors. We also use this information to help us design our website to be more user-friendly. This information is never connected with personal information.

Information you volunteer

If you choose to provide us with your personal information by signing up to our service through our website, or by sending us an email, we will use that information to provides services to you.

Signing up to our website is voluntary. If you do not register or provide personal information, you can still use the Private Box site. But you will not be able to use our online postal services.

We at Private Box believe that any information we collect as a valued asset of which we take great care. We will never share or distribute your information to anyone unless one of the following conditions is met:

Customer login

The Login on is secured with our own private using SSL 4096-bit key encryption. All users benefit from having an encrypted connection with our server.

Disclosure of contents from mail items

We take the opening and inspection of your mail very seriously, mail will only be opened by Private Box for scanning or for customs export declaration. However, we do not have control over other mail operators who may inspect your items. We take every effort to ensure that your information is not disclosed.

E-mail Notifications

Private Box will occasionally send emails to our customers who have activated ‘Notifications’. We believe direct communication can be an efficient way to present our customers with information about updates and discounts through our services. All communication is controlled by us, no other organisations have access to our customer’s details. All information is given to us remains confidential. We use a third party to send marketing (including newsletters) however we make sure your contact information is kept private by them.

Confidentiality / Security

We use the latest Bank standard PCI security procedures; allowing us to guarantee all our credit card payments. All transactions come under insurance policies so in the unlikely event of your card being compromised; you will be refunded the full amount. We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

All our employees and data processors who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our client’s personal data.

We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.

Cloud partners

We use several cloud partners in order to deliver services to you. We only use suppliers we trust. Our cloud-based partners are:

Phone calls

We record all phone calls. We use these for quality assurance and training purposes. All recordings are disposed of after six months.

Staff Declaration

To ensure your mail is in safe hands, we check all our staff are trust-worthy and properly trained. This includes doing background checks and advanced testing wherever required.

All staff are required to sign confidentiality agreements and will complete Privacy training to ensure adherence to the privacy principles of the NZ Privacy Act.

Payment disputes

While charge-backs are against our terms and conditions (it is recommended that any disputes over past transactions be handled directly with Private Box staff) in order to investigate these fully we may need to disclose your identity and documents used to verify your identity (as charge-backs are often the result of fraud). We will only disclose these details to our merchant bank – ASB Bank. The ASB Bank’s privacy policy can be seen here. They, in turn, may disclose these details to the card issuing bank (Eg. your bank) to resolve the dispute.

Interest-Based Online Advertising and Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to monitor the use of and improve our service. And Facebook Ads and Google Adwords attract new customers to Private Box.

We use Google Analytics Advertising features which include:

We use Google AdWords for remarketing purposes, see Google’s Remarketing website, as well as the general the Privacy Policy of Google as it applies to AdWords usage for more information.

Please note that:

Opting out

Complaints / breaches of privacy

If you have a complaint or feel your privacy has been breached please contact us in the first instance. Contact details can be seen here. We will investigate and reply to all queries within 10 working days by our Privacy Officer.

If you are unsatisfied with our response you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner via their website

Last updated: 30th March 2019

Your Mail. Sorted.

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We focus on getting your mail to you, quickly and securely