Resident Director Quote

Resident Director Quote

Private Box provides an introductory service to experienced company directors in New Zealand (resident directors).

To get a quote for a NZ resident director please use this link (takes about 10 minutes) – Request quote (Google form)

The process

  1. Complete the Request quote form – This helps us understand what your company does
  2. If we think we know of a good match for your company, we will approach them
  3. If they are interested, we will setup a meeting
  4. We can provide contracts

What to expect

You should expect a quote in excess of $6,500NZD per year. There will also be a one time $1,000NZD introduction fee payable to Private Box upon agreement.

Private Box will supply necessary contracts, advice to yourselves and the new director to help facilitate a successful partnership.

Your Mail. Sorted.

Try any plan for $1
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We focus on getting your mail to you, quickly and securely