Phone Services

Phone Services

Local & Freephone numbers
In addition to address services, Private Box can supply phone numbers for personal & business customers.

  • Freephone 0800 numbers
  • Local landline numbers (e.g. 03, 04, 09 phone numbers)

Phone line features:

  1. Free voicemail to email (attached as audio file)
  2. Call forwarding to NZ & international phone numbers (additional call forwarding rates apply)
  3. Call answering service (see pricing below)
  4. Custom phone setup. Note additional setup fees apply.


Phone numbers are $15NZD/Month (including GST).
Freephone 0800 numbers are charged for incoming calls on a per minute basis
Phone Calling Rates


Phone services can only be purchased as an add-on to a current plan. See Plans & Pricing.
Private Box does not provide 028 (non-location specific) phone numbers.

Call answering

Have calls to your New Zealand local or freephone number answered by a local on your behalf. Our answering service can act as a receptionist or as a message service – it just depends on the script you supply.


  • Never miss a call
  • Answered by a local
  • 24/7 answering service
  • Receive messages by email
  • Call forwarding


Answering service plans (including GST)
Light: NZD 39.50/Month. This includes 15 calls.
Medium: NZD 59.50/Month. This includes 30 calls.
Large: NZD 119.50/Month. This includes 60 calls.
Answering additional calls above your plan costs $2.30 (ex GST).
You can have incoming calls transferred to you (indeed, the most common scenario is when our team tries your mobile to see if you are available, and if not, they will take a message and email you) there is a per-minute charge for the transfer. These rates are:
NZ Mobile: 25c/min
NZ Landline: 20c/min
AU Mobile: 35c/min
Note: Private Box call answering service is only available for phone numbers supplied by Private Box.

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